Driving up 101 - Trees of Mystery - brings back traveling this route with my parents. I always wanted to stop. Other than this photo - I still haven't.
Monday night at the campground.
I didn't make it very far yesturday. I rode maybe another 2 hours and stayed the night in Florence OR., in a nice motel. Right now I'm sitting in a Starbucks in NewPort OR. My plan is to make it to Astoria today (Wednesday).
What I've seen: Not much - the entire Oregon coast has been socked in with fog. I've debated cutting over to highway 5. The going on 101 is very slow and not being able to see anything has been disappointing.
Many many mobil home parks. I think it's fine if someone by choice lives in a mobil home but it seems that more and more it's being driven by economic necessity. I don't recall seeing one mobil home park in Europe. There are plenty of RV parks in Europe but not where people live on a full time basis. We are clearly becoming a nation of the "haves" and "have not." Why are we allowing "the very few" to destroy the middle class? This is our country.
What I've Learned: Trying to blog on an iPad is a pain in the ass. Uploading photos is a real challenge.
My butt needs toughening,
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